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Close Encounters Of The Animal Kind

Close Encounters of the Animal Kind

Extraordinary New Insights into the Minds and Lives of Our Fellow Creatures

From Two of the World's Top Animal Authors

A new book, co-authored by two of the world's top animal authors, is offering extraordinary new insights into the minds and lives of our fellow creatures.

The book, titled "Close Encounters of the Animal Kind," is the result of years of research and observation by Dr. Jane Goodall and Dr. Frans de Waal. Goodall is best known for her work with chimpanzees, while de Waal is an expert on primates and other animals.

In the book, Goodall and de Waal share their insights into the social lives, emotional lives, and cognitive abilities of animals. They argue that animals are far more complex and intelligent than we have traditionally thought.

For example, Goodall has found that chimpanzees have a rich culture that includes tool use, hunting, and grooming. De Waal has found that primates have a complex social structure that includes alliances, coalitions, and even warfare.

The book is full of fascinating stories and anecdotes that illustrate the amazing abilities of animals. For example, Goodall tells the story of a chimpanzee who was able to use a stick to fish for termites. De Waal tells the story of a monkey who was able to use a rock to crack nuts.

"Close Encounters of the Animal Kind" is a must-read for anyone who is interested in animals or the natural world. It is a book that will change the way you think about our fellow creatures.
