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Why Animals Are Important

Animals Are Essential for Our Environment

Why Animals are Important

Wild animals play a vital role in the stability of our environment and our lives. They help to maintain biodiversity, control pests, and pollinate plants. In addition, animals provide food, clothing, and shelter for humans.

Five Key Areas in Which Animals are Important

According to Animals Are Key, animals are important for the following five reasons:

  1. Biodiversity
  2. Ecosystem services
  3. Food security
  4. Economic development
  5. Human health and well-being


Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the variety of plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as the genetic diversity within each species. Biodiversity is essential for the processes that support all life on Earth, including humans. Animals play a role in maintaining biodiversity by pollinating plants, dispersing seeds, and controlling pests. Read more about the importance of biodiversity here:

Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans receive from the environment. These services include things like clean air, water, and food. Animals play a role in providing ecosystem services by controlling pests, pollinating plants, and dispersing seeds.

Food Security

Animals are an important source of food for humans. In some parts of the world, animals are the primary source of protein. Animals also provide other food products, such as milk, eggs, and honey.

Economic Development

Animals can contribute to economic development in a number of ways. They can be used for transportation, agriculture, and tourism. Animals can also provide raw materials for products such as leather, wool, and fur.

Human Health and Well-being

Animals can have a positive impact on human health and well-being. They can provide companionship, reduce stress, and improve physical and mental health. Animals can also be used for therapeutic purposes, such as in pet therapy and animal-assisted therapy.

In conclusion, animals are essential for our environment and our lives. They provide us with a wide range of benefits, including biodiversity, ecosystem services, food security, economic development, and human health and well-being.
